Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A New York state of mind

Well my faithful readers... I am back....I survived the weekend....barely.

See, here's the thing. In Minnesota, when you are speeding across the lake on a breezy September day it feels almost...cool...crisp...refreshing!! Alas, do not be fooled into thinking you can fore go the SPF 500 on such days. No, because IF you do, you will end up with a little "summer color" if you will. Not the good kind of "oh, I have that healthy glow of summer" color, rather the "is somebody stabbing my back/neck/shoulders with a thousand little razor blades then pouring searing Tabasco into the many punctures" kind of color. Need I elaborate further???

None the less, 12 of grandma's homemade fudgy brownies, 4 homemade cinnamon rolls, one sweet burger (a beautiful 1/3 pound slab of ground beef voted the best burger in a tri-state region!) and 3 pounds later, I did have a great weekend.

As did the Storm athletes. The football team won. The women's cross country team (don't worry, we think people that run miles and miles just for fun are crazy too) took first place at their first meet of the year. Knocking off our rival I might add...

And last but not least, our women's volleyball team took time out of their "Statue of Liberty seeing, Broadway visiting, yes we are in fact excused from class for this" weekend trip to New York- to knock off the number 20 rated team in the country, New York University and win the tournament. As my friend Borat would say, "Vaaaaaayyyyy niiiiiiice!"

(you probably need to hear it for yourself if you are lame and in the 1% of people who have not seen the movie) :)


Anonymous said...

Lol! If you wore sunblock, you probably wouldn't feel like someone was stabbing you with tiny little razors...hmm...interesting concept.

Sara- Sophomore said...

Sounds like a great Labor Day weekend. I can't wait to come into work tomorrow! Seems like I'm hardly ever there compared to the summer.

Anonymous said...

Mama tried to tell you that you were getting red.... But what do I know?