Monday, December 3, 2007

My Passport to the City!

Anyone that has ever looked at Simpson, knows that one thing we always talk about is location, location, location. Yea, yea, there are some other pretty campuses out there (not quite as pretty), sure, there are a few profs at other schools that seem cool too (not quite as cool), but we have one thing that no one else can boast- an awesome LOCATION! And why does that matter you ask? Here are few good reasons.

1) The food. Now, when I went to Greece for May Term, I fell in love. Yes, maybe it was the warm Mediterranean sun or exotic language, but I did, I fell in love. The object of my desire? I fell in love with a little European delight known as the Hobnob. Ohhh.... be still my heart! So, fast forward to present day. About once a year I splurge on a shipment of Hobnobs. The shipping costs four times as much as the cookies (in Europe they sounnd so much healthier..."biscuits") and it's a bit of a risk. Take last summer. I made my order and two weeks later my heart skipped a beat as I came home to a box on my doorstep. Unfortunately, due to the thin chocolate layer on each "biscuit" I had not a tube of 20 biscuits but one large melted mass (thank you triple digit heat index). In theory it should taste the same but in reality, it loses some effect when you have to get a hammer out to chip off a hunk of your biscuit chunk. So, back to my point- I was recently in Des Moines going out to dinner and just around the corner was a World Market store. I had a few minutes, walked through and suddenly my heart stopped. There, on the shelf, standing tall like a pillar of truth and happiness, here in Des Moines, Iowa, was my one true love.

I bought all they had... you know just in case they change their mind on their inventory. SO, as I said I went to dinner that night as well, just around the corner and a wonderful Mongolian Grill, HuHot. I had never had Mongolian (Mongolese?) before and it was delish!! What a day- my European biscuit and Mongolian dinner, all within my own time zone... just minutes away actually.

2) A second great reason for being close to Des Moines is the culture. Now I could go on and on about art festivals, theatre and galleries, but I will keep it concise and focus on my goings on from this past weekend... movie at the IMAX! My friend and fellow blogger (in fact we had to rock/paper/scissors for blogging rights of this event. As you can see... always go with paper...) Jamie and I went and it was awesome. We experienced Polar Express in a whole new way. Thundering speakers, vertigo inspiring movements, it was great! We were both swamped when the last Harry Potter was showing there and we missed it. Rest assured, that won't happen again! Just one more reason to live close to the city!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog! GB