Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The new Blogstorm!

Welcome, to the new Simpson Blogstorm! Last year we hosted Blogstorm on Simpson's site, but we decided to go with Blogspot this year. The biggest reason is that we wanted to be able to hear from you, our blog reader! Blogspot allows our readers to leave comments. So let me know what you're thinking (as long as you absolutely love Simpson, love what I wrote, or just love me in general) Ok, maybe that loses some heir of authenticity, I guess you can post comments about just about whatever you want!

Anyway, on to better things. Today is an absolutely perfect morning on campus. The weather is cooler than normal and it reminds me of fall! No question, fall is my favorite time of year! I love the excitement of students returning to campus, or entering for their first semester away from home. It's kind of like how I love the first Harry Potter book and movie above the rest. The others are good, but there's something so contagious about the excitement the students have when they first get to Hogwarts. Everything is so new, there are tons of new people to meet and overall it's a blast. This fall marks 10 years since I first enrolled at Simpson (I hope you're not thinking I am too old to be a Harry Potter fan...) and that excitement is still as strong as it was then. It makes me wonder if that ever goes away? I'd have to guess no, but give me another 10 years and I'll let you know.

No, we don't have a Quidditch team or a Sorting Hat, but if you're into football games or Greek Life, then maybe that will work!

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