Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Please use your best Australian accent for the following:
"Crikey! Look at that croc, she's a real beauty! My goodness, look at the teeth on her! Wait, what's that, my goodness, she's leaving the swamp! Wait, she's hovering, she's floating! Will you look at that! Look out mate, that croc is coming after us!"

OK, enough imagery here, you get the idea. Actually, in honor of Halloween we had not a croc hunter, but a Ghost Hunter on campus today! Like, a legitimate, certified, "I have tools and stuff to look for ghosts" ghost hunter. (OK, I don't know about the certified part, I made that up, I mean, who would certify them? FBI? AARP? NRA? ASPC???)

You may or may not know that Simpson is thought to be a haunted campus. Many books (Like Haunted Places and Haunted Heartland) and articles have been written on the subject. I'm not saying one way or the other, all I can say is that I work in "the haunted building, " aka College Hall or Old Chapel, and have spent many a late night there alone- and to date, I've yet to be massacred by a floating white ghost. So, all I can say is that she (Mildred) must be friendly.

But, the Ghustbuster, or wait, the Ghost Hunter shall investigate campus all day today and pronounce his findings at 8 PM in a public forum. We shall see what he discovers.....
I'll finish with some good Halloween Humor!

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