Friday, August 17, 2007

Freshman Friday

OK, what is Freshmen Friday? It is the day of the week I have words of advice for incoming freshmen. Today's lesson is on moving in. Timely, since new students move in just one week from tomorrow!

Now, lesson #1. It is August in Iowa. Therefore it's probably not going to be a picture perfect crisp collegiate day. No, instead it will be the kind of muggy, sticky, sweaty, "did I forget to put my deoderant on or what" kind of August day. Words of wisdom: crank the A/C up in your room when you get there, nobody wants the smell of sweaty stinky people lingering in their oh-so-spacious dorm room!

#2. If you are packing enough furniture for a 6-person family with 3 dogs and a gerbil, then bring a wheely cart or some mode of transport. Every year I see dads single handedly lifting furniture bigger than I have in my house! I can see their discs rupturing before my very eyes! For goodness sakes, even the QwikTrip workers wear those back support belt things and the biggest thing they are lifting is a box of Gatorade! In name of Bishop Matthew Simpson himself, give dad a break!

#3. Just assume you'll have to go to Walmart at least three times that first day. Sure enough, you'll have remembered the most obsure, useless thing ever, like a sweater rack (yes, my roomate did bring one to college) but you'll have forgotten something essential like a towel! See showers are down the towel.. yeah, it's problematic, definitely worth a trip to Walmart.

#4. Finally, be prepared to have some fun! Be open minded, let your guard down and throw all of your assumptions out the door. I was a funky city girl and roomed with a very small town country bumpkin. Within days we were inseparable! No matter how tempting it is and how afraid you might feel, get out there and meet some people! You won't regret it for a second! (unless an uber-geek clings on to you and starts following you everywhere, then you might regret it a little)

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